Saturday, January 26, 2013

An Unconventional God

There's always that one kid. You know the one. The one that makes the trips to awkward lunches and getting stood up worth it all. The kid who reminds you why you do this, why you take the time and why God put the beat in your heart that whispers "tell the kids about Me". I've got that kid and I would like to tell you a little story if you'll be gracious enough to stick with me.

I only knew two kids at the high school I led at that first day. They had come to lacrosse practice the semester before when I volunteer coached and I remember thinking "I'm gonna be friends with those girls." I would talk to them at lunches and one of the girls just seemed so sad. I would leave the school a little down because this girl Karley didn't have a twinkle in her eye. Later in the semester I got the privilege of taking Karley and her friends to Sharptop Cover for fall camp. It was awesome and I knew I loved those girls. There was still something about Karley. Turns out her friend told me later that she didn't know Jesus but was interested in and curious. Curious was an understatement. Taking her home from club was my new mission, and we would sit in the driveway for hours Bible in hand. She fired questions left and right about the bigger mysteries in the world, boys, Jesus, and the whole nine yards. My Young Life team watched me cry at team meetings and I would pray so hard that she could meet Jesus. I had to get this girl to camp. Surely a week at the feet of her Savior would be the answer to these million questions. But how were we going to get the money?

When I left for Christmas break my life was relatively normal. I went home to celebrate the holidays and suddenly, out of the blue, my life was turned upside down. My dad had a seizure. I cried and pleaded with a God I presumed had shut the door in my face. My prayers fell down empty handed and on December 23rd heaven, for me, went silent. He just died and I was furious. This wasn't in the plan. How could such a mighty God refuse my cries for help?

But that's not the end of the story. It never is. Instead of sending flowers we had people donate to my Young Life area. Turns out a nice little fund piled up and I got word that I could use that money to take my girls to camp. Karley was going to Frontier Ranch with her friends to see all the glory that God could put on display for a week. It truly was the best week of our lives. Long story short Karley met her Savior on the side of that big beautiful mountain. We went on a walk and all I said was "are you in?" and she nodded her head and said "all those questions don't matter anymore."

Karley loves Jesus now and I have seen the Gospel on display. You see, we serve an unconventional God. It wasn't that my prayers fell on deaf ears; it that they had already been answered. The nights spent begging for Karley to meet Christ were in the works December 23rd. Jesus died so that we could spend forever with Him. My dad died and now Karley gets a forever too. God is unconventional enough and big enough to use whatever it takes to get our high school friends to meet Him. Don't count Him out.

It reminds me of my favorite C.S. Lewis quote: "Safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King I tell you"

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