Monday, April 8, 2013

You Were Made For This

"I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast! And when I run I feel his pleasure.” -Eric Liddell

The other day I was sitting in a room full of Young Life leaders and we were praying over Quest placements. As we were praying suddenly this quote popped into my mind and I couldn't let go of it. I began to pray that the new leaders would feel His pleasure over the next few years as they enter into ministry. And it got me thinking about our purpose and His pleasure.

Each one of us was undoubtedly made for a purpose. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image, each of us uniquely woven together for something. I believe that when we fill in Eric Liddell's sentence we can begin to piece together what that something is. "I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me RELATIONAL! And when I spend time with people I feel his pleasure" Or, "but he also made me FUNNY! And when I make people laugh I feel his pleasure" Or maybe, "but he also made me SMART! And when I learn I feel his pleasure". There are plenty of ways we can uniquely fill in the blanks. There is simply something out there that you were made to do. If you're an excellent photographer and you find joy in taking pictures, then you were given a unique gift. GO DO IT. If you feel his pleasure when you run, then run! If the way the words fall on a page make you giddy, then write things!

God made us to do things. Something deep within us cries out when we're in the midst of that moment. It's incredibly spiritual. Hopefully you know what I'm talking about. It's that moment when you think you might burst because there is a little voice inside of you that says "yes, this is what we were made for". Maybe it gives you chills, maybe it makes you smile. It's that moment when you think you might catch fire and spontaneously combust. That is His pleasure in you being what you were made to be. I think there is a moment when we stand on the edge of what we were made to do and we are terrified. It's not easy looking at all we should be. It's scary and it will be hard. But we have those moments when we know deep inside that He knit us together for this moment, for this talent, for this reason. Maybe it's hanging out with high school kids. When I stood on the edge of looking at Young Life staff I was terrified. But I filled in the blanks. I remembered the moments. "but he also made me for this! And when I do Young Life I feel his pleasure". Maybe that's your sentence too. Maybe it's something else. But I pray that at some point in this ministry you have felt His pleasure. Surely He takes delight when we take delight in His will.

It is hard. It is scary. But you truly were made for this.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah,
    What a wonderful post and blog you have!!!! I'm on staff with Young Life and run! I would love to talk to you more about what you are doing if you have time!

